Who we are

Who we are

It is never easy to talk about oneself… I will try to be concise and exhaustive at the same time. My name is Paola, I was born and raised in Sardinia. For a while I lived far away and this gave me the opportunity to appreciate even more this wonderful land, rich in ancestral contents present in the daily life of those who “live” this island. I have long been involved in tourism, especially in the nautical sector, I was for years Skipper in the beautiful Gulf of Orosei, until, after taking the qualification as Environmental Hiking Guide, I decided to show who choose our territory in all its facets, sea and mountains. Anthropologist Marc Augè would define Sardinia as a jubilation of “Places” opposed to the “Non-places”, a real condemnation of our Society. A “Place” like Sardinia, never leaves you indifferent. You love it or you hate it. It’s sea and not only, and those who carry it in their hearts want to know its secrets, to capture the nuances that inevitably create a kaleidoscope of emotions. The discovery of this land from the coasts inside is a journey through time, traditions, gastronomy and culture. From the sea to the mountains, this is what I and my collaborators want to propose, a journey not purely physical, not only sterile notions, but an “Experience” that everyone will carry with him for life. An indelible memory, enclosed in our personal casket, in which each of us jealously guards the precious moments, those we would never want to vanish, lost color, where scents and flavors remain intact to be able to relive them every time that memory comes to mind.

Address: Orosei, Nu Via S. Chisu 3

Line 1: +39 351 5889 652

Line 2: +39 389 686 1487